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Post Wed, 05.Oct.05, 21:02      Wieder kein Titel Reply with quoteBack to top

Dieses Gedicht ist eigentlich nicht an meine Mutter gerichtet, sondern an irgendjemanden.

"I love you so much. I don't want to lose you."
You love me, Mum?
Do you really do?
But why can't I believe it?
Why do I feel so empty?
Even if you say, you love me?
I love you, and it hurts.
Mummy, does love hurt?
Please, tell me!
I want you to say it
Again and again.
Say: "I love you, darling! I love you!"
You don't have to shout it,
So that everybody hears,
I just want you to whisper it,
So I can hear.
Your eyes have to agree
And you yourself have to agree.
Mum, I am lonely.
I am so anxious
Why do I feel so? Why?
What have I done wrong?
Have I been a bad child?
Mummy, I never wanted you to worry!
I just wanted you to be happy!
And in this way I tried to make me happy.
But it all went into the opposite direction
Don't cry, Mum.
I beg you!
"Oh, I still love you as much as I used to, believe me",
My ears listen to your words
I believe you, as I've alway done.
But I think this doesn't help much...
Mum, hold me in your arms,
Give me your warmth,
It's so cold here...
I am freezing
Inside, and outside.
Is there anything to make you happy?
I was so selfish...
Really, I didn't want it!
It's just, that...
Oh, I don't know...
Mum, love me
'cause I myself hate me
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